King of cups
King of cups

And a great wolfhound lies behind his throne. He is musical – his harp lies by his side. Instead he looks off to the right, an attitude that I associate with looking to the future. He does not face out towards us like the Wands King and his close relation the King of Swords. His crown is bald and he wears a circlet of gold. He sits on his throne like a well-stuffed sofa! To remain healthy, she needs to ensure that it’s only her toes that get into that emotional water! This can leave her vulnerable to energy vampires (oh, you know what that is – the toxic friend that leaves you washed out and exhausted after a self-absorbed telephone call) She doesn’t need her eyes to see you, she can tap into your emotional state. An ‘unhealthy’ Queen of Cups (ie reversed position) could be manipulative, selfish, clinging and *cough* wet. So she’s definitely got Irish Druidy connections for me.Īs Water of Water, she vibrates to a single element – love, compassion, empathy and the creative impulse are very strong. In Ireland the Christian church drove out the druids (the adders) and that’s why there are no snakes in Ireland. The characters feel like Irish Celts – from the embroidery and colouring of her robes to the snake on the ground. The atmosphere in the card feels silent, but somehow charged-up by the Queen’s actions. some people think that this is a scarab beetle, but I’m not sure and the book is silent – as is the Druid Animal Oracle by the same creators (Will Worthington and Phillip & Stephanie Carr-Gomm). There is also a black beetle near the edge of her cloak. These times of the day are special – offering us gateways to travel between worlds. I like to think of it as dusk because the Cups rule the Autumn and the West and so dusk is the time of day that resonates with these qualities (Wands being midday, Pentacles being midnight and Swords being dawn).

king of cups

The sky is changing – either dawn or dusk.


The full moon floats eerily above the chalice, almost like an accessory in a conjuring trick. Her hair is covered by an elaborately embroidered hood and she stands, eyes closed (or downcast?) as she holds her golden cup before her, as if she is working a ritual.

King of cups